New and Noteworthy March 2023
Health Restoration Ministries Monthly Newsletter
We are getting closer to the turn of a new season and the beginning of the Biblical new year - it is always a welcomed time as new life begins to bloom. The Creator is always doing new things in our lives and in the world around us. What is He bringing forth in you? Here at the clinic there are many seedlings pushing through the dirt. We can share a few things on the horizon.

COMING SOON: ATB System E-Book!!
This will be a downloadable, printable short version of the original. It will include a brief introduction into the theory behind Aleph Tav Body, energy medicine and touch therapy as well as sequences for every application. The E-book is designed to give a quick overview of the therapy and easy to apply sequences for those who don’t have the big book. The larger, original book is still the preferred reference and will continue to be the basis for deeper understanding. The new version isn’t a replacement as it will not have all the information included in the original. We don’t have a price or launch date yet but hope to have it ready late March. When the new book is available, we will let you know!
Wait, There's More!
Calling Potential Practitioners!
I am looking to equip like-minded practitioners to minister to others. I am developing a practitioner endorsement program that will allow you to offer many of the services we do here at Well-being By Design. The harvest is great, but the workers are few. If you want to learn more about this opportunity, email Kim for details:
New Report Format​
We recently changed the format of the Qest4 scan reports. If you have had a scan done recently, you will notice that the information looks a lot different. There has been a lot of feedback in regards to the way the reports were formatted and how much data that was included, which has led me to simplify them. There is a module in the Scan DocuCenter that explains how to read the new format, please be sure to check it out!
Spring Dates for the ATB Training Course - FULL!
The ATB Course 1 in March is full so we are now selling seats for the June course. Space is limited, so sign up early to guarantee your spot!
Click here to be taken to the course page.
Special Dates

Skin Clinic
March 8
Free skin inspection done by Dr. Janet. Lesion and mole removal performed by non surgical procedure. Click Here for more info!

Course 1
Mar. 20-24
5 days of intensive training in the ATB System. Next course June '23