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New and Noteworthy January 2023

Health Restoration Ministries Monthly Newsletter

Looking Back and Looking Forward

While we observe the Biblical new year in the spring, we do recognize that the turning of the Gregorian year allows us to reflect on the past and look forward to the future. If there has ever been a year to consider the times we are in, it is now. The past year was troubling and full of grief at times and yet also full of new friendships and miracles. We expect 2023 to hold the similar balance of good moments and bad but we don’t enter into this new year the same way many others do: either with naive unawareness of the dangers ahead or with fear of uncertainty and a pessimistic expectation. No, we face the future with an expectation that Yah’s will and plan for us, personally and collectively, will not be derailed by the schemes of the enemy and that He will use everything that we face to glorify Himself and mold us more into the image of Yeshua.


From a Biblical perspective, we know that our world and culture will continue to be bombarded with environmental hazards, political and societal unrest, continued assaults on our health, freedom, etc. Yeshua told us about these things so we wouldn’t be upset when we see them. However, for those of us that are firmly rooted and established in Him, we not only should be unafraid but we should be looking for the opportunities that will come to put Him on display. He can uniquely equip and prepare us to challenge all that the enemy throws our way. Remember, His ways allow us to walk in favor and blessing, in total shalom (peace) and joy, even when things get hard. Let’s follow our Shepherd into 2023, trusting in His ability to get us where we need to be!

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Healthy Foundations Collection 

The Healthy Foundations Collection is a fabulous resource that we make available online for free to our members! By putting these simple modules into practice, you can greatly improve your well-being in easy ways that don't require frequent scans and supplements. If you haven't accessed this part of our Kartra portal yet, it is a great way to start off the year! Check back often for future modules. 


Healthy Foundations Collection

Wait, There's More!

Our Magazine Debut

We are featured in a local magazine for the month of January! Optim Cryotherapy also has a special feature. If you don't receive this publication at your home, you can still check us out in the online edition by following the link here. Read HERE


Spring Dates for the ATB Training Course

If you want to build a foundation of Bible based energy healing focused on “the laying on of hands”, consider joining our next class from March 20-24. As previous attendees have testified, this intensive course will dramatically influence the way you see the world and equip you for ministering to people in profound Biblically-based ways. This course is for everyone - not just for practitioners! Space is limited so sign up early!


Click here to be taken to the course page. 


Special Dates

Skin Screening

Skin Clinic

Feb. 1

Free skin inspection done by Dr. Janet. Lesion and mole removal performed by non surgical procedure. Click Here for more info!

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Course 1

Mar. 20-24

5 days of intensive training in the ATB System. Next course Spring '23

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Heart of the Tribes Talk

Jan. 4 @ 1 pm EST

Interview with Heart of the Tribes

Click Here to Listen

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