Skin Clinic
At our skin clinics you can always have your skin checked free or charge. There will only be a charge if you decide to have any lesions removed. Appointments are needed for both skin inspections and treatments, so please use the link below to schedule an appointment. Our skin lesion removal process is non-surgical, no-cut technique that causes only minor discomfort and heals with minimal care.
Dr. T’s method treats skin lesions with a safe, effective, mildly acidic proprietary liquid compound that is gently applied to the skin lesion. The technique is very effective for moles, skin tags, fibromas, keratoses, age spots, and more. The liquid rapidly constricts the lesion’s capillaries (blood supply), causing it to lose its nutrient supply and turn white. A scab forms over the next few days, which then falls off in a few days to weeks, leaving esthetically pleasing, healthy new skin.
The best results (no scarring) are achieved on the face, for growths of any size. Mild depigmentation (a lighter spot) occasionally occurs on the arms, legs and torso, especially when melanin-containing (brown) or cancer-prone areas are treated.
Usually lesions are removed completely with one treatment but sometimes a deeper layer of pigment is exposed and comes to the surface. In these cases, the lesion can be retreated every few month until removal is complete. Retreatment of “typical” lesions is free (up to 3 retreatments over 2 years). For lesions that are larger or more complex, payment may be due at each retreatment (our pay-as-you-go plan). You will be informed in advance if your lesion will require more than one session with more than one payment.
Please come to your appointment with no make-up, creams or oils on you skin. Treated areas cannot be soaked, so prolonged swimming or bathing is not advised until scabs fall off. Please take this into account during the summer months.
For more information on the procedure, after-care and pricing click here
Dr. Janet graduated from George Washington University in 1982, and completed a pediatric residency at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of NJ. From 1986 to 2011 she ran her own holistic practice in Boston, MA, where she offered various holistic options for children and adults. In 2011 she moved to northeast Ohio, where she continues to offer a variety of programs for children and adults including homeopathy, nutritional detox, cardiovascular wellness, breast health, and homeoprophylaxis, a non-toxic, no-injections alternative to conventional vaccines. She has spoken out about the toxicity of pharmaceuticals, for many years. Dr. Janet is passionate about prevention and finding natural solutions for health problems whenever possible. One of her new passions in holistic healing is Ecopolitan's non-surgical skin lesion removal.
Click on the Book Now button to be taken to the Ecopolitan booking site. Hover over Skin Clinic Appointments and then on Midwest to choose the Medina location.
Next clinic: Sept. 11, from 10-2
No HSA cards can be used for skin clinics and credit cards require 2% fee.
Please arrive 5 minutes prior to your appointment.
Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren, (Dr. T) MD, LN, CCN, DABFM, DACBN educates medical professionals and the public world-wide about Nutritional, Environmental & Functional Medicine. Dr. T is founder & president of Ecopolitan, promoting cutting-edge scientific knowledge & technologies that empower people to prevent & reverse disease. With 30 years of holistic skin lesion treatment, he has trained many physicians to use his effective skin methods.
Donations and proceeds from these events go to fund Dr. T's non-profit, Everest Learning Academy in Nepal, to provide quality education for disadvantaged & orphaned children.