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New and Noteworthy November 2022

Health Restoration Ministries Monthly Newsletter

Season of Gratitude

Every year we have a holiday built into the year for the express purpose of expressing gratitude. There are many who believe that Thanksgiving is actually the remnant of the Feast of Tabernacles that was celebrated by the early Christians who had come to North America. If that is true, it connects us to the "ancient paths" of taking time for fellowship with the Creator in thanks for all of His provisions. Here at Health Restoration Ministries, we love this holiday, in part, because it is the only national holiday that has a HUGE  POSITIVE impact on our health. Thousands of studies have been done on the importance and benefits of gratitude. Check out the info graphic by!















As you can see, there isn't a spectrum of our human experience that doesn't benefit from recognizing the things in our lives that we should be thankful for and demonstrating that gratitude.


We are grateful for everything Yah is doing in our families and here at the clinic! We are grateful for our freedom, our salvation and you, our members!


So as we move further into that pesky "cold and flu season"​ or "winter/Christmas funk", check out some of the ideas from Happier Human on how to foster gratitude in your life. It might save you some money on supplements :)


But if you still want those around to ward of the sick, go back to the September newsletter for our recommendations!



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On the National Stage!

Dr. Monzo's work has caught the eye of many influential people that have large platforms to share information. He was asked to speak at The Red Pill Expo in Salt Lake City on November 12-13. The promoter requested that he give a lecture on weaponized pathogens, nanotechnology in the body and what can be done about it. There are a LOT of well known speakers who are experts in their fields, so it is very humbling to be invited to participate. 


If you would like to attend in person or register for the live stream, please use this link


He has recently been interviewed by Dr. Carrie Madej and has the upcoming events scheduled


Liberty Round Table - Friday - Nov 4th @11am


Talk w/ Jon - Saturday - Nov 5th @ 5pm -


American Media Periscope - Thursday - Nov 10th @ 12:00pm -


TOTW22 - Virtual Event Nov 17th - time TBD - TTOW YouTube channel


Mark your calendars! 



In Case You Missed It

Gift Certificates are available for Sound Therapy and Optim Cryotherapy! Click here to go back to the October Newsletter for more details. 


Our next ATB Course 1 is almost full! We still have some spots so if you want to sign up, please don't wait too long! Click here to get more info!


ATB Book Corrections now available.



As many of you may know, most books go through a series of revisions. I have revised the book on several occasions to correct grammar and mistakes in the sequences. The corrections in this folder are ONLY ones that affect the application of sequences. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding in the great task this book has been to write. 


One of the benefits to this therapy is that there is no such thing as “wrong” in that anytime you touch 2 points, there is movement and flow of energy that is healing you. You can’t hurt anyone by missing a step or getting a position wrong, and in fact, the body will still intuitively continue to respond to the touch. 


We recommend taping the replacement pages onto the original page or writing the corrections directly in the book. They can be found here

Special Dates

Skin Screening

Skin Clinic

Dec. 14

Free skin inspection done by Dr. Janet. Lesion and mole removal performed by non surgical procedure. Click Here for more info!

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Course 1

Dec. 5-9

5 days of intensive training in the ATB System. Next course Spring '23

Happy Thanksgiving


Nov. 24-25



All information, services, and/or products available on this website are intended for educational purposes and not meant to replace treatment by a medical professional.

Dr Alphonzo Monzo, ND is a Biblical Naturopathic Doctor, not a Medical Doctor (MD). And therefore he does not practice medicine, diagnose, prescribe, nor perform any surgical or medical procedures


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